Thursday, April 05, 2007

Flaunt-a-Friend Friday!

Today I'm super-excited to introduce all of you to my incredibly creative friend Chris Moujaes. I met Chris at a networking luncheon when he was was a mild-mannered University of Texas RTF student by day...and an animation mogul by night. Well, that's not true...he's never been mild-mannered ;-)

That was 7 years ago and he's now a creative mogul 24/7.

Chris's team includes his wife Leila Moujaes who is as charming as she is talented [in other words, incredibly so on both counts!]; Aaron Romo, creator of Fairview High; and Chris's brother Eric who keeps the whole circus in popcorn...or whatever feeds their creative muses, lol.

The Chris Moujaes Company is a complete studio enterprise, providing the best in brand communications, creative services and original entertainment content and products. They create brands, entertainment and experiences for people around the world.

Their true product is unbound creativity delivered to clients through brand communications agency, an original entertainment studio, and through our online media concerns. They are artists, designers and professionals who understand how the spirit of great storytelling coupled with inspired design can create amazing brands, products and entertainment for eyeballs everywhere.

Over the 7 years that I have known Chris, Leila and Aaron, I have been entertained by their stories, amazed by their talent and proud of their commitment to the integrity of their products. I am happy to flaunt them anytime, anywhere... especially here and now!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yayy Longhorns!