Monday, September 04, 2006

So...what is the Texas Legacy Arts Incubator Project?

The Texas Legacy Arts Incubator (TLAI) is an architectural artisan-based economic development model designed to incubate micro-enterprise in Texas. It is a far-reaching enterprise that will increase the kind and number of people who participate in the economic development of the larger community. In addition to the economic value TLAI will provide to the community, we will bring a wide variety of educational opportunities with the architectural artisan tradecrafts education and apprenticeship programs, which will be taught by well-known masters located in Central Texas and beyond. The programs are primarily targeted at at-risk youth and historically disadvantaged populations.

The TLAI will provide opportunities for cultural preservation, micro-business growth and development and workforce training. The first level of the TLAI architectural artisan tradecrafts training and apprenticeships will include:
• Stone: masonry, carving
• Metal: blacksmithing, metal work
• Wood: furniture making, master carpentry
• Clay: master craft tile work, ceramics

Over the last 4-1/2 years, our research has shown that there is a large [and growing] adult population interested in acquiring these job skills as well. Based on the iCREATE values of accessibility, education, community, connectivity, and collaboration, the TLAI is committed to providing participation opportunities to a diverse cross section of the population who want to learn artisan tradecrafts, develop talent and critical thinking skills, develop confidence and self esteem, and grow their economic value. The TLAI allows all participants to share a common language, based on artistic creation, which helps to bridge the socio-economic divide.

When I first began thinking about the purpose of this project the target market was at-risk kids; as the economic downturn in Austin deepened, it expanded to at-risk adults. And, after this long journey spent meeting people and learning about what the community needs to feel hope about life moving forward, I'm sure that it's really about anyone who is at-risk of not fulfilling matter what the age.


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